“Emotions will either serve or master, depending on who is in charge.” — Jim Rohn
One of the ladies in our December Swim Bike Food group posted the above quote yesterday, and I thought, “Yes. This is really good.”
I experienced a wide roller coaster of emotions when I received a notice from a debt collector about a bill from my summer of fun at Emory for my various hip issues pre-Ironman. Then I called the collection service to talk about it—because I never received the original bill—could be because I moved like a nomad from March to May. But I had paid a large bill in September – and this was a bill for almost the same amount (a $3 difference)… So I was checking to see.
So anyway, this woman on the phone treated me like garbage. I understand that collection agencies are typically accustomed to every excuse in the book and they deal with people who *typically* are avoiding payment of their bills. After being talked to like I was a dirtbag, I almost (almost) lost it.
Instead I took a breath and said, “Look. I realize that you are accustomed to talking with people who don’t pay their bills. For what ever reason, they don’t pay their bills. I’m telling you my reason–which is I don’t understand what this bill is for—and I would like some clarification. Once clarified, I will pay it. So you might want to be a little nicer to me.”
She became nicer. (I still didn’t pay it. I have no idea what it is for… 🙂 Time to go invoice digging… Sigh).
A funny “side effect” about getting my eating (and emotional eating and drinking) under control is clarity of emotions. When I am not drowning my emotions with junk food and wine, I see things and I feel things…differently. It’s sometimes tougher this way. But in the long run, I know it’s better.
Something as simple as a bill collector can give me (the Expert’s term): “THE RAGE”
Yesterday, the boy Swim Bike Kid comes down the stairs, “Mom, Stella pooped on the floor and is wiping it up with a towel.”
Swallow. THE RAGE.
Enter, the calm mother. Yes, this child pooped on the floor and she is almost FIVE… calm calm.
Be like water. Be water? (Oh, yes. That’s part II of this post today).
I cleaned up the poop. I tell you, I really thought I was out of this poop phase. I really, really did.
When my mind and body / eating are in control, I find that mastering my emotions / reactions is also in control.
I mean—it makes PERFECT sense that an almost-five-year-old pooped on the carpet. Totally. (And this is coming from the child who has always been a poo Queen (<—-read that post with caution and only if you are not eating….)
But regardless… I didn’t get mad. I just cleaned.
Emotional ninja. Okay, not quite. But better than the alternative with cupcakes flying… (on being gracious…)

At yoga this morning, our instructor focused on the amazing properties of water.
And how water is the only substance that maintains its same properties in solid, liquid or gas (I really had to reach back and stretch my mind to 6th grade on this one… is that really true!?!)
Water is water is water. H20.
And then, when water needs to go somewhere, it just goes. If it doesn’t have a direct path, it makes a way.
Around. Over. Under. Through.
when water must go through, the process is slower. To make the massive breakthrough, water doesn’t crack the rock immediately. It changes its surroundings slowly, with calculation and persistence.
Change is slow, diligent.
As I am working through my clean eating process, my current emotional state and relationship with food, I am learning that persistence is the key… being like water—-flowing, but exactly true to my core desires, wants and properties —might just be the key to success.
Be like water. Om.
And I have lots of motivation – not just for my health- but also, because the prettiest tri kits in the world arrived yesterday… and I want to race like a champ in them this coming year. 🙂

Namaste, ya’ll.
* * *
Finally, don’t forget tomorrow night at the Atlanta All3Sports’s store!
Ahhh… Poop.. Where to begin. My almost 4 1/2 year old, still (not often, but sometimes) poops in his pants. Not a big ole whole poo, but just enough to make a mess. The rest of said poop typically makes it to the toilet. The reason behind the accidents… “I’m too busy, Mom. Yes, I should know better,” he says to me very calmly, and in his grown up voice. He, too, is learning how to clean said poo out of his underwear. This Mom is tired of doing it.
And I do love, love, love the new kits. Thank you for modeling it for us. 🙂 I do think the bike jersey and shorts are at the top of my purchase list once my holiday bonus comes in!
And keep up the great work on your SBF journey! You’re doing awesome!
Love your posts! My 9 year old still wets the bed on occasion. Thanks you for modeling the kits. The colours look so beautiful in person!
Thanks a bunch!
Awesome kit, tried it on today…….fit’s great!! Minus a few fat rolls, I should be rocking the new kit also! My drive and focus and 100% in check, still working on the nutrition……getting there 😉 Thank you thank you!!
Love the post – and really, really appreciate you!!!
If it makes you feel better, my cousin’s kid once pooped in their fridge. I think he was about 4 or 5 then too. So at least you’re not cleaning poo out of the fridge 🙂
That water metaphor is pretty amazing.
I am partway through your triathlon book (am a runner and in Taekwondo, never done tri … Yet;)
I love how honest you are with everything – you are the voice to regular-girl situations:) I had the rage about my iPad yesterday – stupid thing to get so upset about, that’s for sure, but there it is:)
I look forward to whatever shenanigans you get into and share with the blog! You rock!
It’s -30C here today – running inside sucks my will to live, but I did it:)
Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada