Today’s workout is 1600m swim, followed by yoga. I have never attended a yoga class, but today is the day. My knowledge of yoga is limited to Tony Horton and Yoga X, but I feel as if I can do Downward Dog and Warrior I without falling or farting, so I think I am ready for what I call YIP: yoga in public.
The scary thing for me, about YIP is the random views of my rear that I could pass along to my co-classers. I’m no small girl. My goal is to find a place in the back, where my giant Sun Salutations can face a wall and not a person. No one willing signs up for my rear end first thing in the morning. And I don’t have the proper yoga attire, which could result in various types of wardrobe malfunctions. Oh, the horror.
The good thing: this is YIP at the YMCA. And I’ve been in the YMCA locker room enough to feel like a supermodel compared to some of my other dear exercising friends. Perhaps this will be a nice, low-key YIP with no spandex issues. Report to follow….
Happy Saturday, friends!