Who’s rear end is this??
Yes, this is MY rear end. Okay, so why am I posting a picture of the junk in my trunk? Well, for starters, I’m not completely sure. Maybe I have finally reached the bottom of the Swim Bike Mom barrel of things to write about. Ha.
Butt, as I was leaving the gym this morning, I realized that my jeans were a little loose in the back. Just a little.
And then I remembered that I’m coming up on my One Year Anniversary of the crazy decision to Tri.
This time last year, my jeans were almost two sizes bigger, and tight. Super tight. Shopping in specialty store tight. So here are my buns, which are in fact, smaller than they were last year. (I can still shop in the specialty store, btw, but I’m almost out of there.)
On August 24, 2010, I decided to put my past behind me (see? you’re getting the theme now….) and move forward. Much of this triathlon journey has been letting go of my back story, eliminating the excuses and turning away from things that put me in ass backward scenarios. Back last August, I needed to get to the bottom of what was making me so miserable, sad, and sloth-like.
Have I made it to the bottom of this analysis? No.
Butt I learn a little more every day about remembering the past (so as not to go back), but not enough to dwell on it. Keep moving forward, even if it’s a forward crawl (which is not allowed in some races, I have recently learned).
I am thankful for the opportunity to be in a journey like this. I do know that I am much happier now than I was last year at this time. I can run farther than I ever thought possible. I have not had a low-speed tipover (knock on wood) in over three months. Therefore, I am one lucky ducky.
I’m sure to get some comments about this blog post being out of taste. (Every party has a pooper, that’s why we invited you! Party Pooper!) Oh, come on people, we all have buns. Well, maybe. Depends on how you look at it. As Rob Reiner points out in the movie The Story of Us: “Really, there is no ass. Only the tops of the legs, butted up against each other – hence the term ‘butt’.”
See? Something as simple as the rear end can be viewed differently. It’s all about how you look at it.
”If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude about it.”
– Maya Angelou
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Happy tails, er… trails, to you!
When i get the baggy butt, that's when i know i'm hitting my fighting weight. Great job all the way around. Attitude it everything!
Thanks, KC. 🙂 Love your 104.6 journey. Will be rooting for you in November!!