A Final Day of Outpouring

*DONATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank you all for your donations! We raised over $7500!! Kirsten Walker is still in ICU and remains sedated after crashing on her bike almost two weeks ago at Iron Girl Atlanta. A feeding tube went into her stomach yesterday. Everyone is still waiting and praying for the swelling in her […]
A Worst Nightmare

She showed up for a race, hoping to walk away an Iron Girl…. only to have a triathlete’s worse nightmare come true. Kirsten Walker crashed on her bike on a downhill – and she is now in ICU, continuing to fight for her life. She is stable, but her future and condition is precarious. This could have been […]
I Ran.

I ran one mile. It took me thirteen minutes and three seconds – the first official run since breaking my foot. Considering that I ran 13.1 at an 11:00 minute mile pace just 16 weeks ago… I was a little blown away at the slowness, the difficulty. But as I was running and Snow Patrol started […]
The Scale, Race Photos and One Mile Run

So I was down 5.6 pounds on Friday since May 6, and I was feeling semi proud of myself. Then I ate too much yesterday… not bad food, just more than necessary along with a 40 mile bike ride. Today, am up 5.4 pounds. I swear I hate the scale. I hate it. I hate […]
Chrissie Wellington: A Life (Truly) Without Limits

As if I needed more reason to love this woman. Then she writes a book which is literally a peek into her mega triathlon soul. Her nickname has always been “Muppet,” because she is known for being a bit airheaded and clumsy. The best part of the book —anytime she does something klutzy or dingy, […]
Donations for Kirsten’s Family
SBM has created a decal for a fundraiser for Kirsten Walker’s family, the triathlete injured at Sunday’s Iron Girl race. SBM is donating the decals, so 100% of your donation will be given to Kirsten’s family. *DONATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank you all for your donations! We raised over $7500!! *DONATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank […]
Update: Our Fellow Triathlete
Here’s an update on Kirsten, the cyclist who was injured at Sunday’s Iron Girl race. The family is setting up a Facebook page soon, so I will be sure to direct you to it once I know – so we can follow updates that way. *UPDATE: Here’s the link to the Facebook page: Kirsten’s vitals […]
15% Off HeadSweats Visor
The Swim Bike Mom HeadSweats Visor Use Promo Code “Sweat” in the Swim Bike Mom Store. The latest in superior moisture management technology, the Super Duty SuperVisor by HeadSweats offers the ultimate in perspiration absorption and wicking. By increasing our secret weapon, the COOLMAX® terry sweatband to 2 inches, we have made it easier for […]
Our Fellow Triathlete

Many of you have asked for updates on the cyclist, Kirsten, who was injured at the race on Sunday. I do not know her personally, but because of the blog, I have been in contact with a family member, a cyclist who was there on the scene and I spoke briefly with her husband. What Happened: On […]