In the hoopla of the last month, I forgot to post about the awesome Another Mother Runner book release party! Ilana Katz invited me to attend and be her Plus One, so I was super excited.
The Another Mother Runner ladies, Dimity and Sarah, are the very awesome (and very TALL) authors of Run Like a Mother and the new, Train Like a Mother books.
Seriously, I thought I was tall. Sarah and Dimity are awesomely tall (and fashionable, and glamorous). Dimity is so tall, in fact, that she calls herself “Taller than the Transamerica Pyramid” on their website. I adored both of them and left the party feeling very inspired, grateful and (a tad) tipsy.

I “met” Dimity the first time when she asked me to be a part of “Follow this Mother” on their blog. My post was featured here:, and I was honored to be a part of it.
When we walked into the party, I saw Dimity and Ilana introduced us. “This is Meredith,” Ilana said.
“Nice to meet you, Meredith,” Dimity said.
“Oh, I’m Swim Bike Mom.”
Squeal. “OH! Swim Bike Mom! Yeah yeah yeah!”
I love Mother books and I especially love the tagline: “How to Get Across Any Finish Line – and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity.” I am of the opinion that running (and triathlon) is directly the reason you WILL NOT, as a working mother, lose your sanity…
The book release party was incredible. Met lots of ATL area bloggers and women. The Mothers gave away awesome goody bags (I won a Lucy gift certificate!). They had several giveaways from Nuun, Yurbuds, and Altra (Zero Drop) footwear.Plus, I had just received the go-ahead to remove Wilson, the boot, so I was feeling pretty good.

Great night full of amazing women and inspiration. Thanks, Mother Runners.
By Jon Parks on March 2nd, 2012 Today’s Triathlon Photo Friday photo is the pair of cycling shoes I rectleny acquired. a0When I started out in triathlon last year, I was very unfamiliar with the world of cycling. a0Sure, I’d ridden a bicycle since I was a kid, but cycling is completely different. a0Its like comparing high school to graduate school many similar characteristics, but worlds apart! a0So, as a newbie to triathlon and cycling in 2011, I simply rode my bike wearing my running shoes and using traditional pedals. a0That made sense for me I didn’t want to make an investment in anything more advanced at that time and I wanted to make sure that I was really going to enjoy (read: stick with) triathlon. a0Well, a year later, and I’m still going strong! a0So, I decided the time was right to purchase my first pair of cycling shoes to go with the clipless pedals that were available for my road bike.