I received the most AWESOME email today.
Check out this photo from SBM friend Sarah. Naturally, I love the shirt in the last pic, but what an amazing story. She did her first tri in 2010 and it changed her life forever. Way to go, Sarah. Thanks for sharing.
Today, I had a great elliptical session and 2200m swim. I am down 2 pounds. Yay.
Got a great story to share? Head on over to http://www.swimbikemomstories.com/, get inspired, and then… send me yours to SwimBikeMom at Gmail dot com.

I just met Sarah fairly recently at a compu-trainer challenge. She had made it thru to the final! I had no idea she had ever been heavy as she looks like such an athlete now. Such an inspiration.
A-MAZ-ING. I love the picture progression. I can hardly believe that she is the same weight in the last three images. Reminds me to stop focusing on the scale.
Sometimes technology works against me and I have to try to not let it ruin my day. The scale bounces around the same 5lbs for 3 years no matter what I do, I've accepted that this is the weight I should be. I swim better when I don't check my time at each lap, I ride better when I don't know how fast I'm going, I run better when I don't worry about my pace and do what feels right.
Anonymous, that computrainer challenge was no joke…I couldn't believe I made the cut to ride with you fine ladies! Watch out next year!!
I forgot to mention the so called "muffin top" I had every excuse in the book as to why a woman who had back to back c-sections couldn't get rid of it. I have been working with my awesome friend and trainer for 4 months and she has proven me wrong (which I never admit freely). Still lots to do in that area but I'm seeing results, and feeling the burn!