Enjoy the Power and Beauty of Your Youth
SBM pal, Elizabeth, sent me the link to this video and I just had to repost. I totally remember this from 1999, and I totally did not listen to most of it then. I went on a trip down memory lane, so forgive me. Now… it is how true and awesome this little video is. […]
Diet Soda: Truth or Dare*
As a former Diet Coke addict (I say former, because I haven’t had a Diet Coke in one month), I found this article awesome. Here’s another great one from my girl, Ilana, at Optimal Nutrition for Life. Diet Soda: Truth or Dare By: Ilana Katz, MS,RD,LD *Reposted with Permission Diet soda is often used as […]
Iron Girl Atlanta 2012 Race Report

The Details: Sunday, May 20, 2012 Location: Lake Lanier Islands Resort, outside Atlanta, GA Women’s Only Triathlon 1/3 mile swim/19 mile bike/3 mile run 7:00 a.m. Pre-Race I woke up this morning at 4:00 and got ready to rumble. Okay, so the only rumbling was in my stomach – nothing a little peanut butter and banana […]
Ready, Set, Iron Girl Atlanta!

The Expert, Swim Bike Kids and I went down to Lake Lanier for Iron Girl athlete registration and bike check. I was a total stressball trying to get out of the house, as usual. The Expert, like a saint, had cleaned up my bike and I was nipping at him to get moving. He was […]
The Coach Formerly Known as Monster
So after all this time, Coach Monster finally learned that he is called “Coach Monster.” He is working with me on the SBM Book coming out in December, and as such, the blog and all its glory is now out of the bag. “I don’t like being called Coach Monster,” he told me this morning. “Well, it’s […]
Another Mother Runner Party
In the hoopla of the last month, I forgot to post about the awesome Another Mother Runner book release party! Ilana Katz invited me to attend and be her Plus One, so I was super excited. The Another Mother Runner ladies, Dimity and Sarah, are the very awesome (and very TALL) authors of Run Like […]
The 10 Best Sports Nutrition Tips
This is a guest post from my girl, Ilana, sports nutritionist extraordinaire at Optimal Nutrition for Life. TEN BEST SPORTS NUTRITION TIPS ILANA KATZ, MS, RD, CSSD Many recreational athletes have a difficult time with weight management, especially those that took on the training as a reason for weight loss in the first place. It […]
Mommy, Put Your Clothes On!
I have had two solid says of eating “clean” and…. consequently, I have been able to not scream in horror at my weight. I did not follow my own advice completely (I have gotten on the scale), but I went from 227 (Tuesday) to 216.4 today. Granted 227 was at nighttime and 216.4 was first thing […]
Tuesday Time Out
Thank you all for your awesome emails and comments since my post yesterday. It is good to know that I am not alone. After I posted that blog, I was chatting with one of my San Diego besties, Life Coach Carrie, and she made me pinky promise with her that we would do better and be […]