Last year, as I was ramping up for Ironman Miami 70.3, I learned about baby Caden Stanley, a sweet precious boy born with a severe heart defect. At five days old, Caden underwent open heart surgery. It was terrifying for his parents. His mom, Becca has a blog that we all followed for updates on the surgery, the recovery, the scares.
The SBM friends united and we raised a nice chunk of money for Caden’s family and their non-profit, BluePrint 58. I continue to follow up with Becca and Caden… and thought you guys might want an update on the little guy….

He’s almost ONE!
And super precious, I might add. 🙂 Again, thank you all for your support last year, and continue to keep the Stanleys in your thoughts and prayers.

That is so amazing!! Yay Baby Caden…or, I should say Big Boy Caden! What a fighter!
Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you – all of you – caring for and loving our little family and our sweet boy so well! 🙂