2012 PT Solutions Acworth Women’s Tri
Acworth, Georgia
August 5, 2012
Sprint Distance
Swim: 400 yards
Bike: 13 miles
Run: 5k
4th Place Athena
The Expert, my Dad and I had a 4:10am wake-up call, and hit the road to Acworth. Peanut butter & jelly on gluten-free bread with a banana and a whopping coffee, and an hour later, we pulled up to the race venue. I love this race – it’s one of my favorites (race report from last year: click here).

This was the first race my dad got to watch. He had NO idea what to expect. I think the race was alot of fun for him to experience.
As always, I met/saw many SBM friends, yay!

The swim was a good one, just the distance I love. Just enough time to go completely anaerobic and into complete asthmatic shock. I was heaving like an old man.
But made it out of the swim in about 8:30, and I was glad to be out of the water. At one point, my poor sighting came into play as I realized I was swiming towards the beach. Oooops. correct course and forge ahead.
I was thrilled to take Andy out on the bike. Interestingly, I was flying but then I got stuck behind a truck for the span of five minutes. I lost time on that, but I can’t complain with a 42:00 bike. The bike course was fast and fun.

Oh, the run. I forgot the hills on the run course in this race. I ran the whole race with the exception of one short catch-yer-breather on the start.
Considering that I was sporting a boot a mere three months ago, I am happy to 1) be able to run and 2) not have any pain. I will take it. I still ended up fairly happy with a 37:24.
Wish I could run faster. I can’t right now… but I will.
Always glad to do a fun race, meet new people and have the post-race celebration.

Today? No post-race cookies… but I did have a milkshake. And it was yummy.
Until next race…
Total Race Time: 1:30:55
Great job! I saw you & Andy fly past me before the first stop sign! Never caught up. Now for the dumb question – what is Athena?
You are looking awesome! I really need to get on this clean eating wagon! I finished my first olympic distance tri today! It was intense! Congrats on the awesome finish! I hope to be able to finish a sprint that quickly one day!
Great job today! Excellent time on the bike an you were barely shy of a third place finish. Your blog keeps me motivated and laughing and your accomplishments inspire me! Today was my second tri an I am hooked! Hope one day to nail a half and feel much more capable of balancing my job, two year old, hubby and work after reading on your site. Keep up the great work and if you ever want to hang up corporate America and have a compelling business model, give a shout!
Awesome job! Loved the race recap (and the videos)!
What a great event!! It was nice meeting you in person and seeing you in action (when you zipped by me on the bike, aka Andy – woooooosh and working that hilly run course!!! YAY for you, 4th in Athena way to ROCK it girl : ) I may have abs but you have some mad cycling skills which I envy greatly ; ) I’d give anything to break a 15 mph ride LOL (seriously!!), you are awesome!
Awesome! Glad you’re bouncing back from that broken foot so well.
Awesome race report, and even more awesome finish! I’m lurking on your site pretty frequently to find motivation to train for the Might Magnolia in Oct. (Athena also) Thanks for keeping me inspired!
Awesome job, Meredith! I am totally hooked on your blog, which is giving me such inspiration! Over the weekend my hubby (who does Tri’s) helped me make some minor “tweaks” to my old Schwinn (“Schwinney”) to try making her/me a little faster. Rode 8 miles this morning and LOVED IT!” So my tri-training has officially begun! Looking forward to training over the winter and competing next spring. Thanks for the continuing inspiration and humor!! (LOVED the caption about the pink sports bra! 😉 )
Awesome finishing time! The Athena division was massive at this race and you got 4th! That is awesome! It was great to finally get to meet you, and I must say the first thing I noticed is you have gorgeous teeth. Looking forward to racing with you again at the Augusta 70.3
GREAT performance! Love the RR. I really wish this race was closer to my home and that there were more women’s events! Sounds awesome and I just can’t believe you’re headed for a half iron! AMAZING!!!
So, I totally saw you at the finish line! My mother-in-law did the same race, and I thought you would be there, and I just saw you as you got your medal. I turned to say something to my wife, and when I looked back, I lost you in the crowd! Great job on your race! It looks like you had fun!