Less than 2 weeks until the big 70.3 race. (Here’s a link to a great race preview video.)
The Expert and I headed out for a swim (1500 yards), bike (36 miles) and run (4 miles) on Saturday. And I wore my wetsuit (insert scary music here), because Augusta is a wetsuit race.
I can say that this wetsuit swim was the best one I’ve experienced. Definitely better than the first, and the sleeveless number helped with the sensation of being buried alive. I was actually able to appreciate the flotation advantage this time.
The Expert and I met Mark at Mary Alice Park. As we pulled up, I saw Coach Monster’s truck—but no Monster. He was either in the water, or had been kidnapped.
We all swam 1500 yards or so, then got ready to ride. As we were getting the bikes ready, Coach M emerged from the water, in full wetsuit, and I heard the theme song from Rocky coming down from the clouds (oh, wait… no… that was just me humming it). The Monster swam over two miles in, like, 3 minutes.

The ride was the same hilly ride that Yoda and I had tackled the weekend before, only shorter. Each time I do that ride, it gets easier… never “easy,” but definitely “easier.”
I cut my scheduled 4 mile run down to 2 miles when I felt my knee pain coming on, full-force. I have been having massive trouble with my left hip (the same gimpy one) and right knee for about a month. Three weeks ago, one night I could barely walk. Luckily, Ralph Ansley was able to get in touch with Dr. Miracle Man Hands, and squeeze me in.
Dr. Miracle M. Hands (or his real name, Dr. Hamid Sadri) is an ART chiropractor, and a part of the Ironman performance care team. I was in excruciating pain the night before my first appointment. After our first session, I walked out with almost no pain. Hence, the name “Dr. Miracle Man Hands.” This has been my first experience with ART therapy, and while it’s not walk in the park (read: painful as all hell and lots of exercises to do at home), you can walk out of a session virtually “healed” and wondering why you didn’t do it sooner. He’ll be at Augusta during the expo on Friday and Saturday, and also on race day.

I am much less nervous about Augusta than I was for Miami. The nerves are there, but simply… different. I am most excited about my parents coming to watch the race, since Augusta is a hop-skip from Savannah. I think seeing them several times on the run course is going to give me just the boost I need to get through the half marathon.
I know my folks might have a hard time picking me out in the crowd, because I will blend in so well with all the super-fit athletes…. but hopefully, they’ll be able to make me out. Ha ha!!! 🙂
My running has not been up in distance as much as I’d like it… but I have only been back running since July really— after the February broken-foot-a-palooza and then another issue with the other sprained foot over July 4th—- so really, I’m in as good shape running-wise, as I could hope, with two ten mile runs under my belt in this cycle. My swim is strong and my bike is as strong as it’s ever been. So honestly, I feel that all my triathlon hay is in the barn, best it could be, and I’m ready as I’ll ever be for this race.
The next 13 days, I am focusing on four things:
1) Not listening to my non-triathlon friends sending me articles about gators being found in the Savannah River;
2) Being careful about my food intake (ah-hem);
3) Focusing on enjoying the taper (and not freaking out by it); and
4) Ceasing my grumbling about being in the almost-last wave at the race.
As the race gets closer, I am more excited than anything. I have fallen in love with triathlon and I am so grateful to have the chance to stand at the race start and experience such amazing feelings, and be surrounded by incredible athletes. To have my parents there on race day, to be swimming in the same river as the Expert, my SBM friends, and even the Monster… I can’t believe how blessed I am.

Happy Monday, friends!
Here’s the list I have of the SBM friends participating in Augusta. If you are racing and not on this list, shout out to me!
- Swim Bike Mom
- Swim Bike Dad
- Coach Monster
RalphAnsley- Yoda (Karen)
- Keenan C.
- Tish C.
- Charlie M.
- Rick M.
- Kathy R.
- Marie S.
- Leslie D.
- Elizabeth G.
- Kimberly S.
- Kristin H.
- Julie D.
- Cathy C.
- Laura B.
- Olivia H.
- Corey V.
- Gen M.
- Jillian O.
- Leslie Z.
- Krissie R.
- Jennifer H.
- Heather B.
- CarolAnn H.
- Cindy L.
- Jason G.
- Dottie S.
- Elizabeth H.
You’re going to rock this! I can’t wait to follow your progress online and then wait for your race report. Enjoy the taper!! Seriously, just enjoy it. Use all your extra energy to focus on keeping your diet clean. You can also box up some of that energy and send it to me.
So jealous and wish I were going to be there….next year baby, next year! Good luck, have a blast, and don’t injure yourself!
Oh the knees. Mine genrerally don’t hurt, but out of respect for them I always use KT tape pro for the long runs and intense days.Try the pro, apply it the night before. I use the crisscross knee support method you can find on the kt site. I am also using it to support my week foot recovering from the break, plate and screws on my 10 mile run in 10 days at Disney. SBM you rock!
I so look forward to meeting many of you….am scared to death, but your blogs have really, REALLY kept my focusing on what positive I can muster as the race date gets closer…….I realize I am NOT NEARLY as prepared as I should be but am going to try and make this an enjoyable (as much as it can be) event, truly a lofty goal I set for myself the beginning of this year. Never thought this middle age Gammy would be doing this 2 years ago…thank you so VERY MUCH for your inspiration and words of wisdom…..And is so cool to see my name on the list!!!! Cheers my bad @$$ tri-goddesses!!!!!!!!
This is the crazy, “treat you like the rock star (that you are)” girl who screamed at you at My Next Tri. I’ll be at Augusta this weekend. My first 70.3 – nervous as I could possibly be, but ready I guess. Can the next 4 days just get gone? I need to get this thing done! See you out there.