(There’s a video at the bottom of this post… and it likes to spontaneously start… so scroll to the bottom to pause it, and/or turn down your volume.)

I went back to Hot Yoga today.  (Hi, I’m Meredith, and I have an addictive personality.) Followed it up by an hour on the elliptical and a 45 minute run/walk.  Just a little 3.5 hour Thursday workout.  Hello, peak week. And I say little, because this is a little workout this week.

Then I went to the dentist. I got the gas.

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The laughing gas. (I have big anxiety at the dentist. Okay, fine.  I like the laughing gas. Fine.)

And I’ve posted this before, but it’s true—- always have the BEST ideas under the gas. And then I forget by the time I leave the chair.

I was trying a new dentist.  Annnnnnd, my dentist today was just like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets.


Me:  Hey, can you turn the nitrous up a little?
Him:   OH yeah, man! I’m a child of the 60’s!  I just didn’t want to blow you up right away. Right on. Gas is up! Up! Up! Up!

Well, the gas went up, and I was floating, and I was watching the Chef move SO quickly around me, chopping and drilling and saying, “Hey hey! how does it feeeeeel?”

The thought actually crossed my mind, “Is he even working on the right side of my face?  Oh, I don’t care. I’ll just come back…”

He was done with the work in like 7 minutes, I swear.  Once I can feel my face again, I’ll let you know if I recommend him.  But you must be brave. Because he really was fantastically spastic.  I don’t mind a Spaz, as long as the work is good. (It would be hypocritical of me, after all.)


Up for this weekend?  I am hoping for a solid 100 mile ride, long swim and 10-12 miles of running. (Who knows… maybe MORE hot yoga!)

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Tomorrow starts the new job.

(Details:  It’s with my prior law firm (two firms ago), but it’s a non-legal position as client manager and marketing. Very excited.  Read: I am no longer a practicing attorney.  Translation:  Hell to the yeah.)

In other news, these are my shorts from last year.

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I may not be down much weight and my gut is as Pilsbury as ever… but something is definitely happening around here.  (Oh, what? Ironman? Yeah, that must be it.)


Finally, thanks to fellow chick going to IM CDA, Erin, for sharing this video. Great video and a good music soundtrack to boot.

Interestingly, this video scared me less than I had imagined it would. I never get those miles of flats here in GA, so I will just appreciate those, enjoy the long steay climbs, and grind out the monster hills (shown around 30:00 and 36:00) on the video. 🙂

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5 Responses

  1. Is the video someone driving the bike course at CDA? Great job with your yoga, and good luck on this weekend’s big workout! You are doing stellar!

  2. Today I was feeling a little guilty for spending an hour at the gym and then running 4 miles, but after reading your post, I feel no guilt! (thank you!) 3.5 hours – wow! That’s awesome! And major congratulations on the body sculpting!

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