This is one of my favorite sprint distance races.
You can read my race reports from 2011 and 2012.

What do I love about this race in Acworth, Georgia?
1) All women
2) All really awesome women
3) Great course, supported well. The race director is amazing and sends out detailed emails about what to expect and it’s very helpful, especially for beginners. I find that as an “experienced” racer, that even the newbies are respectful of the course rules and that’s awesome—- I know it’s because our triathlon field is becoming more educated and working harder to become triathletes and embracing that mindset… rather, than just nonchalantly show up to races (unlike someone else, see below… Oooops).
4) Fun finish line. (Can you say chocolate fountain?)
5) Short distances (400 yard swim, 13 mile bike, 5k)
6) Excellent swag & sponsors
7) Wonderful event for new triathletes / first timers.
The swim course is fun. I like the ladies’ triathlons, because while some women crawl all over you, for the most part, it’s a pretty polite group of ladies. At the start of the race, Jim Rainey (the Georgia Multisports Guru) asks “How many first timers?!” And there’s always a ton of hands shooting up in the air – I love it!
The bike is awesome. Only 2-3 hills that require some grunting, but the rest is great. Long flat and fast stretch of highway as well. I killed the bike last year with a 42:04 bike split – this year’s, while it was the fastest Athena, was 1:18 longer. Which I am perplexed about. I thought my bike this year was faster.
Clearly. No. Must’ve been the wine talking (see below).
The run course always has more hills than I remember from the prior year. However, this year was the first time I didn’t feel like I was dying. (Thank you, Ironman base). But funny enough, I was faster than last year (37:34). My run this year was 36:39.
Couple of good hills, but overall, a nice 5k. My legs were pretty blown up from the 18 mph bike. 🙂
How’d I do?
4th in Athena. Missed the podium by 14 seconds, and missed 2nd place by 30 second. I had the fastest bike split out of Athena group (woot), 3rd fastest swim. Clearly, my run is what killed me. If I could run a 9:21 pace, I would have won Athena. And I will… next year. Mark my words. 🙂 Oh, and 19/36 age group and 103/313 overall.
My time was: 1:30:43
Last year was: 1:30:55
Seriously? I did an Ironman this year and I only improved this race time by twelve seconds? You can imagine my shock.
But then again, I know why. The night before the race, I ate Italian food, drank wine and had cake. Yes, it’s true.
I went against my own rule: Respect the Race. Meaning, that you should sign up, train hard and show up prepared for races. Not treat them like, “eh,oh well. It’s just a race.”
Yeah, I’ve been on the post-Ironman slump, but really? Wine before a race? Come on, Mere.
I knew better. Respect the race! Lesson learned.
And my “only” 12 second improvement knocked me hard. Which threw me hardcore into my Eight Weeks of Greatness and I already feel better. I wish I could race it again tomorrow. 🙂

Thanks to all the new (and “old”—not age!) SBM friends who came up and said “hi” to me. Let’s see how good my memory is: Carol, Sondra, Dawn, Maureen, Kelly, Laura, Sedonna, Debbie, Peggy, Vicky, Karen, Carrie G., Katie, Jennifer, Casey, Jan, Kim… (and the woman with the precious baby girl who I talked to twice and the name is slipping even though I asked you twice (arrrggggh)).
…..and Jess (from – who podiumed. Woot.).
Just for the record, that hot, fit lady above is not me. So don’t say, “Wow you look great.” Again, that’s not me. It’s Jess.
All in all, it was a great day.
The race hit the “reset” button for me. Reminded me why I love to “race” – that it’s less about the time, and more about finding the time to make my goals happen, to take each step in the right direction and to keep moving forward.
Love it all.
Delurking very quickly to say that training for long distances and training for speed are two totally different animals, especially for us mortals. It is not at all surprising that you did not improve your speed dramatically, because you were training for distance and endurance. After training for 4 months for a marathon I find that my speed, even if I am trying really hard in a short race, goes down dramatically.
Thanks -that’s what I figured… and I have to laugh because I have never felt like I could train for speed anyway… though I realize now… I DO want to get faster! 🙂 First, comes nutrition…
I got faster in running by doing a speed session once a week. I hated it at first to push myself past my comfort zone but it only took a couple weeks for me to take 3 minutes off my 5 k time. I had it stuck in my head that in order to get below 25 minutes for a 5k I needed to lose 5 to 10 lbs. I bought racing weight and made some changes but my weight didn’t budge. I added the speed sessions and continued to eat the way I normally did and I got faster and somehow 5 lbs disappeared from my body! It has since returned but my speed has only gotten faster!
Twas a great race! It was a pleasure meeting you racing with you. You need to host a women’s race because CLEARLY there aren’t enough women only races 🙂
SO sorry I missed this race. I would have been dead LAST!! I WILL be there next year, lighter than I am now and in WAY better shape!!!!!!
Glad you had a good race. Isn’t it always a good one if you learn something from it?
That was my first tri! It was a great event – I second the awesome people and event coordinators/volunteers. My son was quite impressed with the chocolate fountain at the end 🙂 It was great to finally meet you!
Hi! I was the crazy lady with the baby! I enjoyed meeting you and of course loved the race! Thanks again for your motivating blog and book to get me to this race post baby! Couldn’t have done it without your positive support! Keep doing what you are doing – it keeps us all moving forward!
It was so awesome to meet you in person! Congrats on your great race!!! And thanks for sharing my pic too 😉 You rocked it and I hope I’ll get to see you at a race soon. xoxo