So I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Which might come as a massive surprise to many of you, given my love for endless ellipses… terrible (parentheticals) and Capitalization…and of course, my love for …the ALOT. Pretty much; I know the grammar rules–I just choose not to follow them. Which is some psychological babble about being an only child-people-pleaser and now I don’t gotta do it–I do what I want! So there. (Enter law school, and things really get messed up. ALOT of issues there. (Lucky for me, blogs can do whatever.))

I do remember from my final semester in undergrad, when I arranged my schedule so that I only attended classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which left me Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to do nothing (except prepare like a madwoman for those classes)… it was an insane semester. (Did I mention that I totally love ridiculous run-on sentences. Yesssss.)
Anyway, I took an African American literature class during that semester, which was one of the best classes I ever attended. The literature was amazing, and because the class was about 90% African American, mostly women and taught by a black male—- I received such an incredible perspective from that class. I loved seeing not only the views from my classmates, but reading literature and learning how the literature I had read so many times… meant something so different to each student.
A big theme in African American literature is “naming” – the importance of a name. The importance of someone (wanted or unwanted) GIVING you a name. The devastation of an unwanted name, a hateful name. And while yes, name calling is obviously something awful (duh)—the overall theme was focused on the actual name given to a person. For example, I am “Meredith.” My name. Which means “Guardian of the Sea” — a little strange, but we can roll with guarding the sea. Because that’s a powerful thing to do, eh?
Anyway, in the horrific times of slavery, naming was even more significant—names were given to babies, to women—without consent, without love, without family history.
Just a name…
But it’s never just a name.

(Whew Swim Bike Mom, yer making me nervous! )
Okay, so I am off on a bit of a rabbit trail—but my point—the takeaway from that amazing class is that you should never:
1) Name call (seems so simple, but still);
2) Underestimate the power of a name; or
3) Use a position of power (whether real, perceived or otherwise) to name someone else. (And yes, my position of power is giving people nicknames… Yoda, the Expert, Sweet Red, the Weatherman, Coach Monster—-all names of extreme respect and importance, I might add! I love these people, and I name them. Uh-oh. I’m a namer. Eeeek. Note to self: re-evaluate.)
Okay. Lawdy, this post is turning in to something bigger than the original point… which is: I named my new bike... Golly, I have so many issues.
Sigh—okay. Bike name… but wait, now I feel like I must continue…. I will get back to the bike name in a second.
Naming. A name.
How many times do we allow someone to NAME us? How often do we NAME someone else?
Fat. Lazy. Useless. Dumb. Worthless. Slow.
How often do we NAME ourselves?
A disappointment. A waste. Loser. Slacker. Failure. Ugly. Sorry. Dumb. Mean. Disgusting. Tired.
For a while now, I have not let anyone NAME me. It has taken a long time for me to grow past this. I am Meredith- you know, just hangin out and guarding the sea, apparently (which is funny, because I am such a water creature!)
But. I am now also Swim Bike Mom—-a crazy NAME I have chosen for myself.
On this day, I challenge you to pick your name. Who ARE you? And read this post as long as you aren’t offended by the “f” word. Who are you? Say it out loud!
I am Princess Twilight Sparkles! (Just kidding. I am not that chipper.)
So what is YOUR name? Even if you aren’t that person now—pick the name that represents who you WILL be. Who you want to be. Your real, real name.
I was going to name my bike after the Expert. But for reasons such as ease of reference and the fact that the bike was clearly a girl bike and the creeper factor, I did not. “Today, I rode the Expert…” It really just didn’t work. (Get your minds out of the gutter, people.)
And with that long, rambling, turn-of-phrase, grammatical disaster of a post… I present to you…
Indeed. Also, known as a female version of the masculine “Andy,” but not to be separated too distantly from the fabulously awkward (a likely Swim Bike Klutz-type) heroine in the perfect classic, Pretty in Pink— part obsession for my red hair in high school, coupled with Claire Danes in My So-Called Life and believing that Jordan Catalano really was my boyfriend.
Andie. A perfect strong and feminine pink name. But hard and tough too. Finally, yes.
Andie. But also a nod to my favorite triathlete, Andy Potts…. who was my favorite before meeting him…but after meeting him, knowing what a wonderful ambassador for the sport he truly is—I just could not think of any other name for this fast, tri-happy, ambassador of a beauty.
The importance of a name. Sigh. Boy, can I digress.
Happy Friday!
Don’t forget to snag 10% off at All3Sports here.
my bike is artemis. lady of the wild things. she leads me in the hunt and i bend my knee at her aluminum altar. she breaks me and makes me stronger,..all in the span of one turn of the crank. 🙂
OMG….. Brilliant. My CD01 is called princess, but only in my head. LOVE LOVE this post!
Love it – especially the Pretty in Pink reference ; )!
My bike is named Lola (and she is somewhat of a showgirl). Love this post!!! I also started drooling a but at the coffee shot. Currently on day 3 of Whole30!
I also love the Pretty In Pink reference. one of my favorite movies of the 80s . love, Anna
I’ve only been reading/following your blog for a few months – this is not only my favorite post so far, but one of my top ten favorite blog posts of all-time. Excellent!
As a long time internet geek I always liked how you could pick your ownname. Anything you wanted. Then facebook came along and started shifting everythi g twarxs real names. Its always left mefeeling a bit sad since bigevilgrape fits me so much better.
Love this. Not only because I’m sitting here trying to name my third currently growing in my womb, but because I too love names! My bike’s name is Saffron. She yellow and spicy and perfect for this Cajun girl!
I just got the same bike and have a contest with my Tri a club on naming her…
I have the non camo pink and grey CD.01 and she’s named Rizzo. It’s after the character from grease because Rizzo was a Pink Lady but she was BADA**!
I snorted I laughed so hard at the My So Called Life reference. Didn’t we all think Jordan Catalano really was our boyfriend?
I love this post!!! I am a “namer” too. My names always stick!!! I have a Specialized Ariel. I call her Ariel but, I don’t like that name! lol trying to rename but, nothing sticks yet. lol I LOVE naming everything!!! LOL
I love this post!!! My bike’s name is Moxie. I secretly want it to be my nickname.
My bikes name is Betty. She is awesome!! And the name is perfect when said with my sconnie accent. Lol!!!
Love it! My bike is Dulce de Leche, sometimes known as Dulcinea. I don’t know what my real name is…
Love your bike & it’s a perfect name-I have bike envy since I am brand new to all this and have completed only one Sprint on my old mountain bike from 1988-it’s still a pretty good bike with it’s brand new components and road tires but what I wouldn’t give for a real bike but even as I reply to this I am sitting on my couch with my foot in a hot pink cast after re-constructive foot surgery and not training for two more months-Someday I will have a perfect bike and I will give it some kick ass name as well. You continue to inspire me!
Great post! Great name for your bike! I just finished reading your book. I could’t put it down. I started reading it the same day as I registered for my first swim-bike duathlon. I’ve been thinking about naming my bike (not something that would normally come naturally to me), but I’m struggling with names too. I particularly enjoy your sense of humour, your references to pop culture that’s in keeping with what I grew up with too! 🙂 Keep on moving forward girl! I’m right there with you and doing it too!!!