So my last post got a surprisingly interesting response—not really comment-wise, but a flood to my email inbox-wise! Lots and lots of disappointment in my tone of the post and my attitude towards my upcoming race on Sunday (Ironman Florida 70.3).
Also, Coach Brett immediately texted me: I read your blog post. You need to get these crappy thoughts out of your head. You have had some really huge breakthroughs in your training and more quality training than ever.
Okay, okay. Geez, I didn’t think it was that bad…

Then the emails poured in:
You are so positive to everyone else. Get a grip and be positive to YOU! Go have a great race!
Lots and lots of:
You can do this! Just Keep Moving Forward! (Ah hem! Using my words against me!? Shame on you, Army!! 🙂 )
I get it.

I think I need to go back and read my own damn book. (Nah. That book is LONG, yo!). So instead I went back and read my Ironman Couer d’Alene race report and this post: Things I Learned from my First and Last Ironman. (Yes, I sometimes re-read my own stuff. Does that make me narcissistic? Sure! (heh)….But really, I need to remind my own self of all the things I tell all of you. Clearly…)
Now, Florida is a half Iron, not a full, so much of the logistical things do not apply. However, this part really popped out for me:
Be grateful. I always say this, but it’s 10,000,000 times more true in a race that takes an entire day. Be thankful, race with a happy heart, and smile when you feel like crying—these things will save you more than you know.
As I swam this morning, I really decided to go out there on Sunday and ENJOY the race. At Augusta 70.3 last year, I raced with a poopy attitude, and I had a TOUGH (wanting to quit at Mile 2 on the run) kind of day. I was in throes of Ironman burnout, I know, but man—my attitude STUNK. And my race reflected it.
Coach Brett texted me and said, “90% of your race day outcome is due to your attitude.”
That sounded familiar!

I had written on the Augusta report: “I have been in a kind of slow burn-out since Ironman. That ridiculously long race took so much out of me… not as much physically as emotionally and psychologically. The fact that my body gave up on Mile 13 of the marathon, and my heart and brain carried me to the finish, just in time… well, that means my damn heart and mind are just worn out.”
My heart and brain carried me to the finish of Ironman. Not my body.
I was so motivated, so thrilled, so mentally tough for Ironman. I had a great day. It was hard as all hell, but one of the best experiences of my life (I might say BEST experience, but we, as women, are obligated to recount wedding days and births of children as the best days of life… I petition to put Ironman, wedding, and births on the same level. 🙂 Horrible. I know. Disregard. 🙂 )
Anyway. So THANK YOU all for your tough-love emails, texts and a few calls. I needed the “snap out of it sister” words, and it has really helped re-focus me on the reasons why I like to TRI. And with the Expert in the wave only a few minutes behind me, I think I am being “hunted” in this race—all the more reason to make it happen! 🙂

Here’s to a great race on Sunday!
Good luck to those of you racing Florida and NOLA and all the other races out there!
You’re going to do great – you said in your last post that your mind was in a good place. I think that’s the important part! And maybe all the moving and other stuff was just a distraction from going taper-crazy?
Boom! Now go and get it. Good luck, have fun and as you said, just be grateful and it will be a good day! 🙂
I had a guy with a 68 (age) on his calf pass me in my first 70.3 as the wheels were falling off my bus. I’ll never forget telling him great race and he was doing awesome. What an inspiration to keep going. You are an inspiration to a lot of people too.
You are going to rock this race! Can’t wait to read your race report!
Since I finished reading your book a few months ago, your “be grateful” trick has gotten me through many tough workouts. Anytime I’m faced with a long, straight hill, I just start ticking off the things I’m grateful for (including being able to make it all the way to the top of a hill!), and before I know it, I’m over it. Sometimes we just need a reminder to take our own (awesome) advice! Good luck!
You’re an amazing person!
Safe travels.
Have a great time, smile, and most of all have fun!
Will be thinking of you!
And Do Your Job!
I want to encourage you by reminding you of why you are doing this “triathlon thing?”. It is normal to want to do well and have a new PR but the big picture is this: we do this because it is what we EnJOY. It is so easy to get discouraged or negative when we are tired and exhausted. Keep reminding yourself that your discouragement is just fatigue talking not the truth. The truth is you can undoubtedly do this. Looking already to the outcome and time is very self defeating. Who knows what the day will bring. You have had a very full plate and now you get a chance to spend a day NOT moving or unpacking but doing something you love with someone you love. Doesn’t get much better than that! Good luck! I will be thinking of you.
Your race reports are a source of great inspiration for me and I can’t wait to read this one. You’re going to be great!