Spotlight for this week is on SBMAT Ambassador, Angie Flynn. I love this woman. She has an awesome attitude, spirit and she is FUNNY, to boot.



Angie Flynn

City/State:  Ponce Inlet, Florida

Age Group:  45-49 (Age 49)Battle of the Bridges 2014-09-27 069

Biggest Inspirations:  My partner, Deb Cheslow, who taught me that nothing is impossible; my son, Josh, who exemplifies the power of positive thinking every single day; Our General, Meredith Atwood, who walks the walk and talks the talk and “just keeps moving forward”; and my SBM friend, Megan White, whose infectious smile and bubbliness on race morning is enough to get anyone amped up.


Scary 2015 Goal: My big scary 2015 goal is my first half-iron distance triathlon at Gulf Coast Triathlon in Panama City, FL on May 9th.  It features a Gulf swim 0.6 mile swim straight out from the beach and 0.6 miles back.  Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that “ocean” swims are a particular issue of mine.  But I’ll conquer it yet!

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How Triathlon Changed Me:  Discovering triathlon was a turning point in my personal development.  Training and racing has shown me that I can do so much more than I ever thought possible – really cool stuff.  I have learned that I have the strength of will and a determination that I never realized!  I think triathlon saved my soul!

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Favorite Piece of Gear:  My Garmin 310XT


I Race For: First, myself.  Training and racing feeds something deep down in my soul that I never even knew was hungry until I started training for my first sprint triathlon in 2013.  Second, my son:  I want Josh to have a very clear image that ANYTHING is possible if you want it badly enough, believe you can do it, expect that you will so it, and take action towards it every single day.


How I Pay It Forward:  My company, Cheslow Achievement Group, established a philanthropic division called Building Remarkable Communities that provides educational resources, training, and funding in support of survivors of domestic and family abuse.  We organize race events (5K/10K/15K races and plan to add triathlons to the mix in the future) to raise money for this charity.


What Else You Should Know About Me:Five years ago I was a trainwreck!  My 17 year marriage ended abruptly, I was a functional alcoholic, I was stuck in a dead end job that I hated, I was financially bankrupt, and I was 50 lbs. overweight.  I had ZERO self-esteem… Competing in a triathlon had been a dream once upon a time, but it was completely out of the realm of reality back then.


My #1 priority was my son and setting a good example for him, so I started where I was, with what I had.  I found martial arts (Chinese Kempo Karate) and used it as a vehicle to regain a base level of fitness.  I took control of every aspect of my life and made A LOT of changes physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Today, my life bears no resemblance to what it was 5 years ago.  I AM a triathlete!  I also tested for my black belt in karate this past summer.  Professionally, I own my own business and I’ve authored 3 best-selling books and ghost-written 2 others.  I am a positive role model for my son and for many other people as well.  But most importantly, I AM HAPPY!

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4 Responses

  1. Will be following you on your first 70.3 journey! Amazing transformation! Looks good on you!

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