“Passing a cyclist like you LOVE
them could be all it takes to save a life.”
The wonderful cycling campaign, Pass Them Like You Love Them, started as just a few words that hit the hearts of cyclists and their families. In April 2014, Frank Guinn (husband of 2015 Swim Bike Mom Ambassador Team Member, Kimberly Guinn) and Andrew Powell, while on a training ride were struck by a speeding motorist a few days before Ironman 70.3 New Orleans. Frank Guinn was killed instantly and Andrew Powell suffered life changing injuries.
In response to this horrific tragedy, Pass Them Like You Love Them came to life in a dark time for Georgia cyclists.
It began as a blog post written by local professional triathlete, Meghan DeGan, and turned into much more.
Immediately, there was a buzz going “what if every motorist thought about that cyclist as someone they loved and cared about?”
The conversation continued and Pass Them Like You Love Them was born.
Pass Them Like You Love Them strives to create understanding between motorist and cyclists through education, and compassion. We want to see laws change, bike lanes on every road, and a city, state and nation that supports health, wellness and a nice long ride. We don’t believe that any one group, organization or person can make this happen. It has to be a collective effort on the part of all that want to see the roads safer.
Swim Bike Mom is teaming up with Pass Them Like You Love Them
For February, this month of love, Swim Bike Mom and Swim Bike Sell want to raise awareness (by wearing our cause on our backs!) for this wonderful organization by offering amazingly hawt cycling kits and arm warmers for pre-order.
The cycling kits and arm warmers are created and designed by Zoca Gear (the same creator and manufacturer of the Swim Bike Mom and Tri*Fe gear via Swim Bike Sell. The fit and cuts are the same, so order your cycling sizes accordingly. I recommend going up a size from your Tri*Fe or SBM tri kit size. Size chart is pictured on the product descriptions.)
You can place your pre-order here.
You can make direct donations (if you do not want a kit at this time) to the organization here.
Thank you for your grass-roots support of this amazing organization… and enjoy the amazing cycle wear which will spread the message of “Pass Them Like You Love Them.” Easily visible and beautiful at the same time. [Depending on the success of these, we will look to offer a male version of the kit in the near future.]
Please order by the deadline – as we will not have extra pieces.
[Estimated arrival date: April 15th, give or take.]
What a great cause, and what a great message! Just curious, but what percentage of the sales will go to benefit this organization? I didn’t see it on the blog entry or on the pre-order page.
I guess that’s “none”? Sorry…I was just wondering before I committed to a purchase.
50% of profits go to the organization
Is it possible to order a pass them like you live them kit? My girlfriend, an avid cyclist, loves the message, I would like to support the cause and surprise her with the kit you show here.
Savannah, Ga