I have to admit, while I am nervous adding a new venture to the mix, I am also incredibly excited.

When my grandmother passed away in February, I knew that this was the next step with the Swim Bike World. 🙂  She was such a generous person, and I wanted to make sure to continue her legacy in some shape or form.

Today, I am announcing that we are underway with the creation of the 501(c)(3) non-profit, Swim Bike Give, Inc.

SBG will be an organization that will seek to reach individuals and groups in need (in life, in sport, in other areas) via the sport of triathlon.


I am thrilled at this opportunity, and nervous. And mostly thankful. ‪  #BeBraveBeThankful‬

So thank you, Mombow. (And Happy Birthday today to my momma!)

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*If any of you are interested in playing a role in SBG, volunteering your time, or just learning more as we go through the process, please feel free to fill out this survey, and we will keep you updated.


Thank you!

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