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I have joked before about how “balance” and having it all is really quite the impossibility—that really life is a series of balancing, teetering, and falling down—and then picking yourself up again and starting over. I am still convinced that in order to have an semblance of balancing in your busy life, you have to let some things go and allow others to take priority. I jokingly coined the phrase “the suck line”—that at any given time in your life, you are going to have something that is falling off the grid–something that just sucks. For me, it’s usually laundry. Laundry is never on the grid. And that’s okay. You must give yourself permission to let some things just “suck”.
Over the years I have found a few life hacks that make balance a little more obtainable, or at least the appearance of it.
If Momma Ain’t Happy
As a busy working mom and wife, I have learned that the old airplane warning of putting the oxygen mask on yourself before putting the mask on others is paramount. It’s very difficult to…. [CONTINUE READING HERE]