People wanna know what changed for me. With my weight. My body image. I’m gonna tell you all the Truth right now, and nothing but the Truth.

I was 73 days binge-free. And yesterday, I was shoved into three situations that normally would have sent me into the pizza and ice cream. And I’ll admit. I was rattled.🌪 And I ate some stuff that was outside of my plan, and dumb stuff, too. (In other words, not even WORTH the splurge. The splurge which gets in the way of my GOALS.)

Today, I woke up. I did NOT weigh (which I usually do, in order to prove that I am a screw up), I chugged water, prepped food and journaled: I am okay. And I am enough – but I am also not letting myself get away with this sabotage. I am not standing in the way of my GOALS and PLANS for a stupid food item. (Or a lot of them!)

⭐️ This is NEVER about food, y’all.

Binge eating and addiction and other destructive behaviors are COPING mechanisms. Somewhere along the way we used these to survive, to help with our fight, flight or freeze. To suppress pain.

“Fixing” our bodies? No need. They aren’t broken. And neither are we.

We have to learn NEW ways to cope with this hard shit called LIFE. We must build the muscle of picking ourselves up and mentally trudging forward—with resolve, purpose and determination. To start fresh—right now. 🌈 Right. This. Damn. Fresh. Second.

And THAT is how I have changed my body. By finding someone to hold me viciously accountable—MYSELF. Then having help with my #bodybuilding meal plan and goals. (Thank you first @nutritionmechanic for the foundation and @camcamexclusive for this current belief-shattering ride)

BUT the food I eat or not? That isn’t someone else’s job. My goals? Also not up to ANYONE else. With help of a good plan, solid goals and purpose, then I hold MYSELF accountable. That means owning my shit. Owning it all. Good, not-so-great, and the ugly AF.

I can help you start to own yours. In this #YearOfNoNonsense, you can roll into 2020 with courage, resolve and hope.

That doesn’t come from ME. It comes from YOU. You have it inside. I have been (quietly) helping women this year with the same. I’m taking new clients to start on September 15th.

Shoot me an email to meredithatwood at gmail dot com if you’re interested in one-on-one life coaching.