Dr. Shefali Tsabary’s words have single-handedly changed the way I parent, the words I use and the “battles” I (no longer) fight with the young humans in my house.⁠
She says, “We need to tell our children: ‘Accept WHO you are today. All I see is your essence, and you also need to accept that.'”⁠
And I will add… That essence is ENOUGH.⁠
Imagine if we had all been told as a kid: ⁠
Instead of:⁠
– You are pretty (or not)⁠
– You are smart (or not)⁠
– You are cute (or not)⁠
– You are fast (or not)⁠
– You are brilliant (or not)⁠
– You are a great athlete (or not)⁠
– You are tall (or not)⁠
– You are slow (or not)⁠
– You are perfect (or not)⁠
– You are skinny (or not)⁠
– You are fat (or not)⁠
– You are difficult (or not)⁠
– You are easy (or not)⁠
What about: You are enough. ⁠
(No qualifier or other Nonsense adjectives required.)⁠
What difference would that have made in our lives? 🤯⁠
Childhood is often the great obstacle we must overcome.⁠
Yes, even as adults. Because the things we learned and felt in childhood tend to show up in our habits, thoughts and lives as adults.⁠
But once we “deal with our own lack” (as Dr. Shefali says) then we can truly LIVE..⁠
Then we can play a part in raising humans who believe in WHO they are–not in the deeds they do, the way they look, the grades they make, or the sports they do (or do not) play.⁠
We can raise a next generation who LIVES and BELIEVES and FEELS the words: I AM ENOUGH.⁠
My challenge for you:
Can you tell yourself, RIGHT NOW, that “I am enough.”
(and mean it)
I uncovered a lot in my Year of No Nonsense. Some of it was because I was sober. But most of it was because I decided that I would do the work that I needed to do. Because I was still suffering. Yes, suffering.
And yes, from CHILDHOOD.
I am excited about the book launch–in just THREE days! I hope you are excited too.
This book is a declaration of my freedom.
I pray it is a road for you to find YOURS.
I am excited for you to have this book.
If you haven’t ordered your copy, please, please do! You’ll get it in time for Christmas still!
The Year of No Nonsense:
Audio Version
Kindle Version
3 Days! 📚