Every so often (I would say “weekly”–but who knows if I am that consistent!), I will spotlight one of our Ambassador Team members.

The first up is Kimberly Guinn.

Her story did not begin during the 2014 Ironman 70.3 New Orleans–but it was the lead-up to that event where her life–and the lives of so many of us–was forever changed.

Kim G

Kimberly Murray Guinn

City/State: Marietta, GA

Age Group: 35

Biggest Inspiration: My late Husband, Frank Guinn; my Brother In Law, Andrew Powell; my sister, Sandra Powell

Scary 2015 Goal: Complete Oshner New Orleans Ironman 70.3

How Triathlon Changed Me: I have been on the sidelines for years cheering my husband, brother-in-law, and sister at Ironmans, ultra-marathons, marathons, etc.   I have only done one sprint tri at this point (and after finishing, swore I’d never do another).  However, that changed in April of 2014.

My husband, Frank, was killed, and my brother-in-law, Andrew, was critically injured while completing their “shake out” ride right before the Ochsner New Orleans 70.3.

This event destroyed my family’s life.

All our plans for the future were over.

Photo Sep 19, 2 07 18 PM

We buried my husband, and watched Andrew fight to survive.

But one day, I decided to continue racing in memory and honor of these two men who I love so much…

…I have never looked back.

Favorite Piece of Gear: Surprisingly, my bike. I hate to bike, but this bike is an amazing piece of equipment. My Quintana Roo was the first bike my coach put me on. I didn’t even try another one on.  There was no reason too. I knew the moment I got on it, that I loved it.

Photo Sep 19, 1 58 25 PM

I Race For:  …myself, my triplets, and the memory of my husband in that order. First, I race for my health and sanity. Grief can overcome a person and make them forget to live.

I refuse to live in my grief to the point that I can’t live.

I race, because it makes me train, and the training helps me focus on something other than the grief.

Next, I race for my girls. At age 7, they are already influenced by society’s definition of health and beauty. I want to show them that strength and health is what we should value. Our bodies are tools that we should care for and respect.

Photo Sep 19, 2 04 20 PM

Finally, I race for my late husband. I want to raise awareness of training safety. I want to bridge the gap between cyclist and motorist. I want to educate people on the need for more bike lanes, and the rules of the road for both groups.

Photo Sep 19, 1 58 00 PM

How I Pay It Forward: Right now, I’m running for Team in Training and fundraising for cancer research. I plan to run my first full marathon in November as a part of the TNT program.

However, I want to work to create a foundation in memory of Frank Guinn and in honor of Andrew Powell to help other families who are impacted by cycling crashes and deaths while riding.

Photo Sep 19, 2 07 32 PM

What Else You Should Know About Me: I am open, honest, and live my life always trying to find the positive side of things (although I may not always succeed). I believe in finding the best in everyone.

How to Follow Me:

My Blog: 



12 Responses

  1. After reading your inspirational story, I am inspired! I ride for different charity events and would like to help raise awareness of safety cycling! You are an amazing lady!

  2. Good luck on your journey! You have an amazing story out of tragedy! You are an awesome example of strength and courage to pick up the pieces and move forward. Your kiddos will understand one day and your husband would be very proud!
    I followed his story earlier this year! Ironman and Tri is a “family” strung out across the world. I was very saddened by his death because it felt like I lost a family member. It could happen to any of us. Hopefully one day cyclist and motorist will respect each other!! My prayers are with you and your family.

  3. I am so sorry for your incredible loss. You are a true inspiration. Not only are you setting a positive example for your girls, but you are showing them that you are strong and positive in the face of adversity. I have no doubt you will achieve every one of your goals!

  4. Go Kimberly go!!! I love that you are putting your heart and soul into this as it will help in your healing! I will be cheering for you all the way!!! Many hugs to you!

  5. I sure wish your story was different, but what a blessing you are to your girls and to everyone you impact in your quest to race and raise awareness for training safety. I’m so very sorry for the passing of your husband and devastating changes that your brother-in-law’s life must have taken. Thank you for being on the forefront of the SBM army!

  6. I love your attitude and view on grief. More people need to have it. Also totally get the awareness needed for cyclist, motorist and runner relationship needing to become a known about issue.

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