I exercised. I don’t want a congratulations.🤣 Because I already gave one to myself. I was so proud of myself today. (Which is sort of ridiculous right? )

No, not being proud…. but THIS: In the next breath, I was massively beating myself up for a really long list of things (a really, really, realllllly long list).

So the question I asked myself: What on this list of things I am pummeling myself for can I actually CONTROL?

Hurumph. #notadamnone

Turns out that the ANSWER to “what can I control” (as always) is: my attitude, exercise and the things I put in my face.

All of which are total #Nonsense at the moment. Bad attitude, not exercising, and eating things that don’t make me FEEL good.

Y’all. Just because I have figured out “some things,” doesn’t mean that I am immune to a massive life face plant. And this–lately–is a massive face plant.

You know why? Because things have been going well. I want to make sure that I mess it all up. I want to be able to blame myself. #crazy

On a high note, I am not in the business of sitting still and complaining, crying and whining, being stuck (#BeingStuckisBS) and blaming (#KidsareBS)… except I really try to blame myself for it all.

Who else is doing THAT?
Who is blaming themselves FOR EVERYTHING?

Hmmm. 🤔

Regardless, I exercised. Yay.
And I will do it again tomorrow. Maybe I will make it to the gym, too – cardio AND weights tomorrow.

How will I be sure? Well, I will set my #intention to do so. And then I will rely on that intention–in order to prove that I can #trustmyself for the promises I am making.

It’s the small steps. Sometimes it’s all we have. But those small steps ARE steps forward.
