There are many exciting things happening in Swim Bike Mom land in the now or near future! 
Next weekend is the Atlanta Iron Girl.  My “debut” back into “racing” since the broke foot incident of 2012. While I must be careful (no actual running in the race), I plan to enjoy the swim, bike and walk event —- and get fired up for when I can run again (2 weeks).  Who else is racing?
Iron Girl's Logo
I would say that my new svelte figure is exciting and in the near future.  But that hasn’t happened quite yet, so we’ll just move on to the next thing. 
I went to spinning class with Coach Monster today and put down 1:30 on the bike. You guys were right.  My triathlon abilities are not completely gone. They are just slower.
I have a new project which is almost complete! The first TWENTY people to comment on this post and tell us what your next goal is – will get it for FREE when it’s released. (Don’t forget to send me a message with your email address!)  So here’s the little project (I’m very excited, as usual.)
The Swim Bike Mom
Ultimate Sprint Triathlon Plan
Your Quick Start Guide to Completing Your First Sprint Triathlon
…and How You Will Live to Tell the Story
(Yes , You!)

Some of my best friends and Iron People do not need my meager words of triathlon wisdom.  And I don’t have much real wisdom to start. BUT. I bet you can think of a friend or family member who could use a little dose of Swim Bike Mom “Yes You Can Do a Triathlon” reading.

So what’s the point of this mini eBook?

Well, when I started out in triathlon, I had no idea what 100 meters meant, no clue which way to wear my helmet, and had no earthly idea in the world what “T1” meant.  Hence, the quick starter eBook was born.  This will take even the most beginner of beginners to (and through!) that first starting line.

Don’t forget to comment and spill your next goal. I’m giving away 20 of these plans when released. You can keep it for yourself …OR give to a newbie you know and love.

This is one of my favorite things of all! You will never (ever) see me race without a visor.  Okay, so you may never actually see ME at all without a visor.  SBM friend Karen saw me leaving the gym the other day, on the way to work, and she did a quadruple take.  My no-visor threw her off. I love visors – but particularly the Headsweats visors because they keep the sweat out of my face and my bedhead in check. 

And while the Getting2Tri Foundation is my race-visor of choice, I have no less than seven visors.
 So… I decided I was missing one important visor.
Available Now at Swim Bike Mom Shops
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaal!  I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. You can get your visor here.  They will be shipped in 3-4 weeks as they just went into production today.  Squeeeeeeeeal!  
For a Happy Mother’s Day to all my SBM friends….you can get $2 off with Promo Code “VisorsRock” in the Swim Bike Mom Store.
See? Lots of exciting new things!  Toldyaso.
To all of my friends racing ITU this weekend – kick butt.  To all my new to triathlon friends and the SBM world, welcome! And….

33 Responses

  1. My next goal is the Big Sur half marathon… don't know when my hand injury will heal yet so haven't scheduled any tri's yet.

  2. After a shoulder injury (that stemmed from doing too much swimming because of an IT Band injury), I just got permission from the chiro today to hit the pool on Tuesday – first time in 6 weeks! My immediate goal is to swim without pain next Tuesday, and do it smartly… meaning that I don't try to go out and do the same distance I did 6 weeks ago.

    My next goal is a sprint tri in July or August, maybe?!

    And I love the visor! 😀

  3. My next goal is to be able to run a 10k so I can finish my first olympic distance tri in october. I did 4.1 miles today and am proud I finally accomplished this goal! I'll take it slow, but will add distance slowly! I have my first sprint tri of the season a week from sunday and can't wait to get back in action this season!!!!

    Love the new visors and will be purchasing mine shortly! Keep up the great work Mer!

  4. Mine is to get out of my own BOOT (second metatarsal fracture) and learn to ride the bike I purchased recently!

  5. The visor is the bomb!

    My next goal is to complete my first sprint Tri in October, 2012. Terrifyingly exciting!

  6. Seriously, SBM you are a social media / marketing machine 🙂 LOVE IT! Yes – the lack of visor must have been the reason for the quadruple take! LOL. Headsweats is BY FAR the best out there, love them.

  7. Can I just tell you I love you?!?!? My next goal is to eat clean for the next 10 days to see how my body feels without refined processed foods and dairy. And I only have 6 weeks until my Half Ironman!

  8. The Iron Girl in Dallas was my very first race back in 2003 (alas, they don't do one in Dallas any more). My non-fitness goal is to finally get off my ass and scrapbook the pictures from that race (and all the races since).

    As for triathlon-related goals, I'm also making my "comeback" this Sunday from my non-injury medical condition (pregnancy and childbirth). Assuming it doesn't suck, I am going to try to do the same Olympic race I did last year when I was 10 weeks pregnant before I took my hiatus. But it's only 3 weeks away. Yikes.

  9. Did I type 2003. I meant to type 2008. If I had been doing triathlon for 10 years and still weighed this much, I'd be really pissed.

    By the way, my secret words to post this time included "hotdish", and I think you are one hot dish.

  10. My goal is to lose 8 more pounds before the 70.3 I'm doing in July. On my way.

  11. My goal is to complete Ironman Florida (shhhh dont tell anyone), after giving birth to my first child this fall. AKA IMFL 2013 possibly. not 2012. I am not that crazy!

  12. I love your blog! I am a runner with triathalon dreams and could really use your words to get me through a sprint in September-thank you!

  13. So exciting for you! I love IronGirl events! My next goal is to find a summer sprint tri to go along with my IronGirl sprint tri in August. I'd also like to finally shed some of these post baby pounds too.
    Happy Racing!

  14. My next big goal is the Marine Corps Marathon in October (my first 26.2!). I know other races will show up on my calendar between now and then, but that's what I'm psyching myself up for at the moment!

  15. My next goal is the Horsey Hundred Memorial Day Weekend, at tleast that is the plan if I am out of my boot by then! Bike Ride with fmaily over the 4th of July in the Columbia River Valley, Girls Tri Too in Columbus at the end of July.

  16. next goal: my first sprint tri! pardeeville, WI 7/7/12. today was my first real brick: 8 mi. bike + 2 mi. run

  17. My goal is to race the 70.3 triathlon in Kerrville, TX in September 2012. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your blog. I have also promised myself a "new" tri bike if I make my goal weight of 140 by race time (I currently weight 180). My heaviest was 220, and I was 205 when I did my first sprint triathlon (Danskin in Austin, TX) in 2011.

  18. My first goal is 37 miles Tour de Cure next weekend…then on a My First Tri. I really like the cycling piece…maybe a century?
    Paige Mason

  19. My goal is to get through my first ocean swim tri next weekend. It's likely that I will reach the first long board, hop on and beg for a ride back. I'm going to be brave, real brave, but I do have my escape plan just in case :).

    LOVE, love, love that you now have a visor! I will be ordering. how much SBM stuff can a gal have?

    Good things going for SBM…yay!!!!

  20. So, my goal…I am doing the indoor triathlon at LTF (not until October), which will be my first triathlon ever. I'm excited (and thankful it is a short introduction to triathlon). So, I am working at it all summer so I can be strong and ready for it! I'm excited!

  21. Podium finish at Cascade lake Tri tomorrow morning!

    lynnpagel at yahoo dot com

  22. I am hoping to run a 5k in under 30 tomorrow!!!I HAVE been sick though so if not a PR Would be a great Mother's day present.

  23. You are AMAZING! It doesn't look like I am in the first 20, but what the heck. Can you transfuse some of your energy to me?? My goal is either a TRI2Remember or Lake Lanier in Sept!

  24. My current big goal is Vineman 70.3 on July 15th – it'll be my 2nd 70.3. My first triathlon of this year is TOMORROW in San Dimas, CA. And I am highly considering a big daddy ironman next year – the wheels are turning trying to make that HUGE decision and commitment.

  25. OH! and congrats on the visors!!! I wish they would have been ready for Irongirl but maybe i will be sporting one in Acworth 🙂

  26. My next big goal is to complete the Concord YMCA Sprint Tri at the end of the summer!!

  27. My immediate goal is to PR in my 2nd marathon THIS SUNDAY! (5/20). Then, I need to work on swimming as I want to compete in a Tri either late summer '12 or 2013. Also, I want to run my first Ultra in September. So many goals!

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