The Expert, Swim Bike Kids and I went down to Lake Lanier for Iron Girl athlete registration and bike check.

I was a total stressball trying to get out of the house, as usual. The Expert, like a saint, had cleaned up my bike and I was nipping at him to get moving.  He was mad.  It’s our standard pre-race dance.  He didn’t realize that I was meeting people at the registration – he thought it was just regular 11am-6pm bike check.  So once we cleared that up, we were good.

When I got to the venue, the first thing I saw was this:

…a Swim Bike Mom car!  Whoop!

The kids were maniacs in the car, so luckily the Expert took them down to the waterfront for apparently some impromptu swimming while I got to do the registration thing.

Got to meet several Swim Bike Mom friends that I have never met before outside of the www.

…Andrea (Bluegrass Tri Chick) and her friend Nina!

Then Katherine and Carrie… the kids and I actually went out to dinner with Carrie’s family tonight.

Yes, it was the first time we had met. I like new people, what can I say? Had a great time and felt like I had known them forever!

Met up with Tracy too – who just did a half at Rev 3 Knoxville a few weeks ago – I can’t believe she’s racing tomorrow!

Finally, got up with long time SBM friend Karen… and got to meet Theresa and Keicha as well.

I was so excited about the race!

Met back up with the Expert and the kiddos and we headed the 45 minutes back to the house, stopping at Blimpie for subs.

Once home, the Expert was scurrying around, ready to leave (he was heading to Vancouver for work) and I was ready to relax for the rest of the day.

I started to get ready for the race, so I began to unpack the race bag.



I forgot to pick up my timing chip.

Minor panic attack. I called Karen and she said that yes, indeed she had her timing chip.

Francis Ford Crappola!!!

The Expert was leaving for the airport. I had two hours before bike checkin closed.  Back into the car were me and the Swim Bike Kiddos.  Another hour and we were back there. I saw my pal James from Roswell Bikes and he laughed at me. It wasn’t funny. 🙂

Even the kids were over the race venue.

After dinner with Katherine and Carrie and family, I was back home, plopping the kids in the bed (“Please for the love of all things triathlon, go to bed and be quiet so Mommy can rest!!!”)
And here I am, ready for bed! See all you Iron Girls tomorrow! I’ll be the one walking the run… but I’m SO glad to be back in it!


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