Hi folks! Virginia here, SBK. It has been a while since I have blogged….for several reasons. First, in the weeks leading up to Meredith’s big IRONMAN, I wanted to make sure I didn’t “cloud” her BIG news with my little updates. Second, IT IS SUMMER…and life is just so busy. BUT…I’m back, with FULL force, and ready to talk SWIMMING, BIKING, and KIDDING (hmmmmm)….

To start with, I have to say that things are going GREAT for my family and me.  I recently left my teaching job and will start a new one when school starts in August. (OH Holy MOLY!) This gives me something I haven’t had in a while … TIME…. This is the first summer that I have had OFF in years. BLISS. So, with all of my time, I have been doing lots of training. My IT Band issue is FINALLY feeling better. (As a tip, I think ART therapy was key…Meredith Atwood recommended it. That darn SBM knows EVERYTHING!) I ran 6.57 miles the other day, and while that may not be long compared to what I used to do, it represents SIGNIFICANT progress because there was NO PAIN. NONE. ZILCH. WHEW!

My middle boys’ tri “training” “Having FUN” is also going well. I think training is a pretty silly word to use for them, but they are very active with all things Swim, Bike, and Run related. They are in the middle of swim team season and kicking booty. I’ve been able to take them out riding some….and my oldest boy has even done a tough ride at Fort Jackson, a local area known for some mighty hills. I was super proud of him. They are also both running with me regularly, which is so fun. It has been raining NON-STOP here for the past few weeks, but they even like to run in the rain.


After a rainy run!
After a rainy run!

Today my husband did a sprint triathlon in Charleston, SC. I am super proud of the work he did. Swimming is his tough leg, but he made it through like a champ. Though I would rather race than spectate (much easier racing than watching kiddos….let’s be real), I really enjoyed watching him kick booty! Also, I was lucky enough to meet (stalk) Bree, a fan of Meredith’s who was rockin’ the Swim Bike Mom tri kit. Yes, I stalked her and asked to take my picture with her. BUT…how cool is it to see the SBM community racing and representing? PRETTY DARN COOL! So, while I thought I only had one person to cheer for, I actually had two. Actually….I had many. I cheered and cheered and RANG MY BELL. One guy said, “Hey, more cow bell, please!” I happy obliged.

My hubby rocks & the boys are great spectators!
My hubby rocks & the boys are great spectators!
Meeting other SBM folks!
Meeting other SBM folks!


I’m also in the throws of training for Ironman Augusta 70.3. I think there are about 12 weeks until the race? Maybe…. I need to count. Next weekend I head to Augusta for a training weekend. I’m super excited because I get to run, bike, and swim the course while also getting some instruction. I also get to meet some other awesome triathletes including Hedi Calma, who is a SBM fan, blogger, and mother-triathlete herself. Excited!


So…that is my rather frenetic update. Summer is going well for me, and I hope you are all enjoying training as well. It’s such a great time to involve kiddos, spouse, etc. in the FUN of outdoors. Keep those kids movin’!

4 Responses

  1. The Charleston sprint was my first sprint and I also saw Bree and said hi and good luck. As a SBM fan it was really cool to see the kit live. She mentioned you were there supporting your husband. Hopefully you got the kiddos to the beach like we did! Good luck in Augusta!

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