New Substack, New Things

While the old “Meredith Atwood” and “Swim Bike Mom” blog will remain available, I am–like most writers–moving over to Substack for a very specific purpose. If you are a newsletter subscriber, you will get an email soon! I will be doing most of my writing over on my new Substack, Sober Shots of Life. Please […]

Navigating the Swim Bike Mom Blog Archive

How to navigate 10 years of posts! There’s 160 pages of the SWIM BIKE MOM blog posts, and this is the FIRST page… So those who want to actually read the archives. This is the page that starts it: You can navigate by adding a LOWER page number to the URL, or clicking “newer” […]

An Unpublished Post: Pardon Me, It’s Been A Hot Minute

When the pandemic decimated my book tour (and, yes, the world), I realized how much I wanted to sit down and breathe—even though breathing didn’t feel too safe in March 2020. I had been hyped up and super-social for the better part of six months, and, whew—I was tired.

But We Good People

When you have a friend or family member who says: “We may be as racist as the day is long, but we good people, go to church and tithe.” Wake up. No, no you ain’t good people. . Do better all you “good people” out there. And stop putting focus on the title of good […]

Where I Stand

I want to be clear where I stand.   If you are “property over people”–if you are talking about burning buildings and not lives lost–unfriend or unfollow me.   If you are “all lives matter” and don’t see why that is offensive, go ahead and unfriend or unfollow me.   I grew up in the […]

Riding Waves

Learning to ride waves of pain is a skill. 🌊  Skills take practice.⁠ ⁠ Learning to feel and sit with pain is a skill I was not born with, and certainly never acquired along the way.⁠ ⁠ That’s why I dove into addiction–I could never sit in pain. ⁠ I ran from any sign of […]

Candy O’Terry on Episode 214 of The Same 24 Hours

There are only a few women in Boston whose voices are as recognizable as Candy O’Terry’s.  The 2015 Massachusetts Broadcaster of the Year spent 25 years on Magic 106.7 where she created the Exceptional Women Show and spent her days connecting with listeners in an authentic, memorable way. A lifelong singer, Candy’s full- length CD Dream Come True includes songs heard around the world. She’s also no stranger to TV having served as the center judge for seven seasons on the Emmy Award winning TV talent show Community Audition.

Today I Went for a Run and Didn’t Die (Literally)

Today I *went for a run, and I *did not die.⁠

I *did not worry that I would be blamed for a robbery in my *safe community because of the *color of my skin, or the *way I wore my clothes.⁠

I was *not concerned that a truck would chase me down and threaten my life.⁠

I *do not have to fear when I see a confederate flag on a truck with a shotgun rack (even though I think it’s disgusting), I do not worry for my life.

When I was pulled over by the Mass State Patrol, I *did not worry about a wrong hand gesture, reaching for my registration, being blink judged as a weapon. (And I *got out of the ticket.)

Today, I ran with *bougie headphones in my *expensive running shoes, *without worrying that I would be harmed. ⁠