Ready to Start Owning It? This Post is for YOU.

Today I have a guest post from someone who I admire tremendously, and who really knows her stuff—between the ears. She’s a peak performance mindset coach (she’s on the way to being my new Tony. 🙂 )  And how much of what we do in life (and triathlon) is about our mental state!? (Um, the […]

In Last Breaths.

One year ago today, I was in the car driving to one of the most heartbreaking days/night of my life. I had been sober two months to the day when I received the call that we were losing my grandmother–Mombow–as we called her.  She had fallen, suffered a head trauma, and was said she not survive […]

Revisiting the “Sucky Rotation Schedule”

After all this time, the Swim Bike Mom infamous “Sucky Rotation Schedule” is becoming a real thing. 🙂 Check out the recent article on  SRS: The Ultimate Tool for Triathlete Time Management  … Ah, yes. This is the burning question. How do dedicated endurance athletes do it all—work, raise kids, swim, bike, run, maintain relationships […]

Use YOUR Yardstick

Progress is a funny thing. Progress is also difficult thing to define. (Yes, really). If you are training for triathlons as a wife and mom of three kids, and spending time away from your kids, is that really progress? What if you are working on your marriage so damn hard that you never hit your […]

Why a Starfish?

Someone in our new tri club asked about significance of the “starfish” symbol – in our logo, and of course, as some may have noticed, on our triathlon kits. A friend reminded me of a post I wrote a long while back about “why” a starfish became “my” symbol–long before it leaked over into the […]

One of Those Days

I’m having one of those days. Those days where you are doing side planks with leg lifts (um, WTF, owwwww), and you crumple to the floor in tears, for no apparent reason. Well maybe not you, but me.  Me did.  I would call it hormonal, but that’s really not the case. I’ve had a lot of […]

A Homework Assignment for the Last Few Days of 2016

I provided my athletes a homework assignment to complete before the New Year. [I enjoyed doing this exercise so much myself that I felt compelled to share it with my athletes.] But then, I realized that it was really was a great exercise, so I wanted to share for THE WORLD to do  (LOL…okay, maybe the dozen […]

How to Get Back on the Wagon

Here’s a simple way to get “back on the wagon,” after a month (or a lifetime) of eating “bad food” and drinking “bad things.” Just don’t get on a wagon in the first place. (I’ll explain.) THERE IS NO WAGON.   I hear, every so often, someone chime in and say: I have fallen off the wagon, and […]