

  • Continue to punch yourself in the face? (aka, self-sabotage?)😊 
  • Want someone to guide you through YOUR goals, plans and obstacles? 
  • Feel stuck or overwhelmed?
  • Need a workout plan that is attainable and reasonable?
  • Deeply desire to get out of your own way?
  • Have trouble with follow-through? Sticking to goals? Habits?
  • Desire nutritional accountability or planning
  • Help with goal setting?
  • Need a career change and a guide? 
  • Need a whole-life overhaul?
  • Feel sick of the Nonsense in your life?
  • Want to have a full Endurance or Strength plan PLUS all of the above?


For REAL. Now. it's time to change your life.


One-on-one behavior-based coaching program with me, Meredith, focused on YOU becoming the best version of YOU possible.

Highly-individualized, interactive and powerful coaching curated for your needs, desires and obstacles. You work one-on-one with me to set your sights on your goals, purpose and beyond. General description is below, and will be tailored accordingly. 

  • Unlimited access to me as your personal coach
  • Weekly Zoom Calls with me
  • Daily Contact via Text / Email
  • Focus on WHOLE health  
  • Detailed emails and assignments tailored to your needs
  • Habit-creation focus  
  • Accountability and goal components (tailored to each client)
  • Includes ANY (physical) TRAINING package (Endurance, Triathlon, Running, Strength)
  • Nutritional accountability, meal planning or macro setting included if desired

Contact me:
Due to endless spam on this website, it’s best if you head over to Instagram and message me in a DM there.  🙂 If I don’t respond in a few days, please REPLY or TAG ME in a post that’s on my timeline and say “check your messages”
In the message, include your specific goals and what you are hoping to get out of coaching, and I will formulate a plan for you.

I look forward to working with you!


MEREDITH ATWOOD is a four-time IRONMAN finisher, seven-time IRONMAN 70.3 finisher, previously IRONMAN certified, USA Triathlon (L1), Precision Nutrition (L1), and current USA Weightlifting (L2) Advanced Sports Performance Coach. Meredith is an endurance, triathlon… and a life and dream coach.

Meredith has coached athletes to successful sprint, Olympic, IRONMAN 70.3 and IRONMAN finishes. She started from the couch and went to her first IRONMAN (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 marathon) in three years–while working full-time and living the family life. A long-time Georgia resident, a short-time resident of Kansas and Massachusetts, Meredith and her family now live in Roswell, Georgia.