To Every Thing a Season…

I never know when it’s going to hit me. I can be talking, and then I just burst into tears. This morning, I was paying my insurance bill, and I lost it, just weeping. My sweet grandmother (who everyone knew as “Mombow”) left this life on Saturday morning at 5:25… with my mom holding one hand, with […]
A Swim and a Princess
First up, in triathlon news: I went to my first (ever!) Masters Swim class this morning, and it was awesome! I really, really enjoyed it. There’s no real reason that I haven’t tried Masters before except for schedule and fear–but I decided off season is the time to try all sorts of new things, so […]
No. YOU’RE Selfish.

I received an email yesterday that sent me through the roof. Now, it’s not the first one of its kind, I’ll give you that. But this particular one mattered a whole hill of beans–because, I was so sure in my response. Here’s a little story as a background. So, I started triathlon out of a […]