Swim Bike Stress (Fracture)

In true to form, when the going gets tough, I break something. 🙂 After having a really great 15 weeks of training and gains, an MRI revealed that I have the likes of a tibia stress fracture. I am out of weight-bearing activities for 8 weeks: also known as ETERNITY.  [Of course, it’s not, really.] And I […]
The Anatomy of a Reformed Quitter

So I had a really funny and amazing morning. It was one of those days where seriously EVERYTHING was backwards.  Nothing was wrong; but everything was mixed up and backwards. I woke up and had the boy child jump in bed for snuggles. (Gah. I can’t even tell you how much I love this. He’s 8. […]
Today is Only One Day – And It Matters
Much of the focus on a New Year is making the next entire year great. And to be honest, 365 days is pretty darn overwhelming to me. Â So, taking a cue from the #onedayatatime mantra… Today, I challenge you all to just make TODAY great. Do a workout or something active (today) Eat well (today) […]
Big Picture Discipline: Motivation Does Not Actually Matter

How do you stay motivated to keep your nutrition going well and to hit all your work outs? If you are looking at your health, your fitness, your nutrition and triathlon as a long-term thing you do – not just something you will “start on Monday”–that makes a difference. If you take care to try and […]
What Happens after DNF?
I received this email this morning.  I was actually dreading writing the Wine and Dine Disney half marathon report, so I decided to take a few minutes and respond to this email via a blog post, especially since Ironman Florida just happened on Saturday. I will eventually write about Disney. 🙂 Also, I also wanted […]
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back…
I wrote this post about the Art of the Setback on the road to my 140.6 at Beach 2 Battleship in the fall. Â It has always been “one thing after another” with me. Â If I’m not falling in my driveway and breaking my feet, then I’m breaking ribs in a bike crash, or falling down […]