Why I Am Sick of Picking Sides

What sides? Fat or Thin. I am so SICK of talking about fat and thin. And having to play on one team or the other. Okay, so I’ve never actually been asked to play on the Skinny Team. With the thin people. Like, ever. And being in a mind-F sport of fitness like triathlon… well, […]
A Sobering Thought (Okay, Lots of Thoughts)

Deep breath… and GO… So I quit drinking. Like, yeah, completely. I am a sober person. And I’m one of “those people” who is counting the days without a drink (#Day82), and I’m proudest of the days when I go out to a cocktail party and I am drinking soda/lime and I’m home and in […]
Resolutions? In the Circular File, Please.

There are a million articles online about why New Years Resolutions totally fail. I read many of them, and I agreed with the propositions behind many, like this one from Psychology Today. As I sat down to write this post, I was trying to think of what I really thought about resolutions. Because for the […]
Big Picture Discipline: Motivation Does Not Actually Matter

How do you stay motivated to keep your nutrition going well and to hit all your work outs? If you are looking at your health, your fitness, your nutrition and triathlon as a long-term thing you do – not just something you will “start on Monday”–that makes a difference. If you take care to try and […]
Cooties. Taper. 5 Days to Ironman.

Just the word “taper” makes me shudder. The Taper Worm, as I have called it in the past, is actually pretty quiet at the moment. I guess because I have had sort of a non-traditional taper (and training build… ah-hem, none), so this experience is completely, absolutely new terrain for me. In light of the […]