Hello Kitty, the Weatherman, and Butt Pudding
Saturday was the girl Swim Bike Kid’s 4th birthday party. I had promised the SBK a “Hello Kitty” birthday cake, even though I had no idea how to actually make that happen. But it came out pretty good—even if I had to use an orange peel for the nose because Mother of Year forgot yellow […]
Losing It (with Swim Bike Mom)

And no, I don’t mean losing your mind. But I do mean losing it…the weight… with YOU and SBM friends (monkey hats, not included, sorry). I’m sure many of you have heard of the weight loss app AND website, LoseIt.com. I have been tracking every morsel I have put in my mouth since late December, along with the […]
The Breeds of Triathletes

Let’s all just admit that it takes a certain “breed” of person to become a triathlete. Now, I believe that anyone can become a triathlete… but in doing so, the morph into the correct “breed” of person is required. The Sprint-Oly Breed You are completely sane. You are a fun, easy-going breed who is also […]
Hungry for Change

I watched a documentary on Saturday night called Hungry for Change. (You can watch the first 20 minutes online for free here, and it’s available for free on NetFlix.) While much of the information in the documentary was not “news” to me (e.g., Don’t drink Diet Coke! MSG is bad!), the culmination of all the […]
My Headlights are On

Cycling with an expert has its advantages. Oh wait. I don’t mean “an expert,” I mean THE Expert. For example, it was COLD today. Cold. Cold to ride at least…(I know some of you in Minnesota are going to scoff at my definition of cold)… but 39 degrees when we started out on a 50 mile bike […]
Beast Mode

My friend, Mountain Goat, shared this picture today on Facebook. Totally tickled me. I mean, it’s a baby. Doing a one-armed plank. And it says, “BEAST MODE.” Funny stuff. Well, this Swim Bike Mom is officially in BEAST MODE too. Seriously, I’m telling you. If I could growl and bang my paws on my desk […]
The Ten Best Ways to Prepare for a Big Race (Even when Scared to Death)

Today is January 2nd, 2013. ……2013. [Which, by the way, is going to be the best year ever. It is. It is.] But today’s date also means that I have less than six months until my first (and likely, only) Ironman race. Of course, we all know what a steaming hot mess I am. So what does […]
“Resolutionary” Good Things

In the spirit of New Years smashed together with a little of Oprah’s favorite things style, here’s a list of things that this Swim Bike Mom loves, helpful hints, and links to some of the good stuff on the blog… that will help propel you into the New Year! (Or at least give you something […]
The Prodigal Sign! Returns!

So my treasured sign… from my first half Ironman went missing shortly after the race. I had big dreams of having the special sign… to be a SBM Traveling Sign. A Traveling Sign? Yes. For example, when a SBM friend has a big race, we would ship the sign to them… then they would take lots […]